There are plastic surgeons and dentists on almost every street in Chiang Mai

A fresh batch of mini-yu-tiao

Meats of questionable origin

Fried Chicken. Better than KFC.

Pork Soup. It's beansprouts at the bottom, not noodles. Breakfast of Champions

Warorot Market

The Library at Wat Prya Singh.

Lesson Number 1. The PAP have forgotten this.

Wat Prya Singh

Fried Spring Rolls @ Aroon Rai

I didn't notice when I took this photo that it was an old lady in a wheelchair. I was just looking at the pretty origami. I really wish I had bought something from her

I couldn't pass up a hot version of the 'meat of questionable origin'. It was much more delicious hot from the grill.

I didn't know what this dish was, but I surely wanted some (but I forgot to get it on my way back)

Roasted Dried Squid... The chewing gum of asia

Pad Thai (one of the stalls along the walking market). Sadly the dish did not taste as good as it looked.

Saturday Walking Market in full bloom.

The best I could do. That's the lovely pork noodle soup. Taken at ISO1600, f2.0, 1/30 in almost pitch darkness.

Yummy grilled pork balls (I hope its pork)

More Meat on Sticks...