For the past 2 days, we had been going to 'Central' to change trains to head to Causeway Bay, but BFF had the brilliant idea of trying to change at Admiralty this time instead. Guess what, it was so much better. Changing at 'Central' always meant a long walk from one end of the station to the other, on top of a trip up and down escalators. Changing at Admiralty meant walking about 20ft from one platform to the next....

This one was from the good food guide. One of the more well-known 'Roast Meat' places in HK. It was definitely very good. I had the 'charsiew mien' and BFF had the 'Roast Goose Noodles'

That's the Roast Goose Noodles. The Goose was delicious, albeit a little oily. The Noodles were cooked wonderfully. What's with Singapore hawkers constantly over-cooking noodles so they lose their crunch? I don't get it.

That was by far, the best charsiew I've ever had in my life. The meat was so lean, yet so tender and flavourful. I actually think they use the tenderloin instead of the cheap meats they use in Singapore. I can never go back to charsiew in Singapore again.

The Front of the store. Will check out the name and update.

After lunch, we decided to explore Wan Chai.

One can't really tell if these are lodgings or places of business. We did venture up stairs into buildings only to find thriving stores selling various wares. We even walked into this dingy building that turned out to be like a mini-Sim Lim square selling computer stuff.

I really wanted to take the double-decker trams, but we were quite pressed for time. Next trip :)

BFF was feeling a little quesy from the oily goose, so there's nothing like dessert to calm an upset tummy. This place was on the good food guide as well (and surprisingly easy to find). I think this was white-fungus-papaya with almonds.

I saw this roast meat place across the street from the dessert place. It looked lovely, but I was too full to go in and sample anything. Definitely on my next trip list.

By the time we got back to the hotel, I was hankering for some tea. Decided on trying the sharks-meat fishballs written about in the food guide. Guess what.... See above, the picture tells the entire story. WRONG AGAIN... that's the 3rd strike.

Oh well, headed back to the hotel and passed this chicken rice place. Everyone who knows me knows that I can never resist chicken rice. So I popped in to have a taste. Considering the rice was Yellow, it wasn't that bad. The chicken was actually pretty good. But the sauce put it over the top. It was some form of garlic/ginger vinaigrette that mated beautifully with the chicken.

Yup, the shop is called homeless, and the door handle is a huge wrench.

Guess what. The food place I was looking for previous (who's building was torn down) had moved. Guess the food guide people didn't bother to update.

The signs on the MTR guide actually light up to tell you where you are, and there is even a light to tell you if the door on the right or left will be opening. There are still announcements, but you never have to guess. Just look up at any door and you would have all the information at hand. Like I said before, it's these little things that matter. I wonder if the MTR people need to raise fares every year?

This one was in Esther's blog and the food guide... Tai Cheong Bakery. The best Eggtarts money can buy. It was very very good. I generally hate egg tarts, but I ate two of them.

Warning, VERY HOT!!!

Only 2 left? Not for long...

This one was from Esther's blog. The place is called Tsim Chai Kee. And it's directly opposite Mak's Noodles (from the food guide). The wantons were absolutely huge, and stuff with prawns. It kinda reminded me more of a prawn dumpling, cept it was shaped like a wanton.

All prawns... no meat.

Front of Tsim Chai Kee.

Found another Kitty store. Didn't go in this time cos I had no more space in my luggage.

Literal Translation: Green Clothes. This was the stop to transfer to the train taking us to the station that we need to transfer to the Disney Train.

This was the transfer station for the train to Disney.

Finally arrived at the Disney Station.

When you wish upon a star....
Makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams
No request is to extreme

When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love

As sweet fullfillment of their secret drowns
Like a boat out of the blue
Fate steps in and see's you through

Night was still young, so we decided to head over to Temple Street. This time, instead of heading to Central to change trains, we decided on another route through another interchange. It was another opportunity to get another photo of a new station... Lai King

Mr Softee!!!!

From Lai King, we walked down temple street to Jordan Station, and made our way back.

To finish the night, we had a nice soak in the bath tub (feet only) and shared a nice bottle of Dessert wine that complimented the Egg Tarts perfectly.
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