7 Feb 2012

The Entrance to Taroko Gorge

Every face on each lion statue is unique

Many picturesque views along the way. Pity it was drizzling, but at least the weather was nice and cold

The old road and the new road. The old road was so narrow, I can't imagine how the tour buses could have gone up. As it were, the tour buses narrowly scraped each other when they passed.

Looks like a bear?

There was some really nice battered crab and squid on sale (which we bought for dinner)

Xiao Long Bao (which turned out to be entirely different from anything we've ever had)

After dinner, I explored the streets and chanced upon this sporting goods store that sold this. Sadly, they didn't have boots or gloves.

These are all minitures. There was this shop opposite the hotel that was selling them. Hand-made, amazing stuff.

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