As we had to check out by noon, and the car was picking us up at 3pm to go to the airport, we decided to spend the last day roaming the Ximen area. Actually, even after spending the first day roaming Ximen, we found more places that we missed.
I really liked this little store selling preserved meats. It sat right smack in the middle of a busy shopping district with trendy shops on its left and right. Tis a pity I was not able to get closer to check out the meats. I'm sure the dried/smoke pork legs would've been delicious. A Taiwanese version of prosciutto.

Back to Fong Da for coffee. This time, I had to sit down and have a cup of their home brew. It was delicious. Coffeeshop owners take note (Martin, I mean you). Roast your own beans and make your own blend. It's worth the effort. Also, siphon brewed coffee is wonderfully tasty.
Back to Tamago Yo for lunch before heading back to the hotel. It was pretty eww. Template-cut food that looked good on display. It tasted like plastic (well, it tasted like the stuff they had on display). Pity that my last meal in Taiwan was my worst.
I miss Taipei already.
I miss Taipei already.
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