The Menu at True Brew. The white balance of the shots in the place look off, but it's because Martin uses romantic yellow light. The food selection is fantastic, and since we know the owner, we had the pleasure of being served custom coffee. I asked for a double-espresso with a dash of Kahlua and half a teaspoon of brown sugar. Delicious.

XM photo

The Proud Dad and his newborn.

The Proud Mum and Little Oscar

Lunch was at a barbecue place just down the street from True Brew. Notice the line of chickens being grilled. That was the view when we got to the restaurant, when we left, it was totally empty. They sold out within a space of 30 minutes. Fantastic.

That was the dish served to us. We EACH had TWO plates of this incredible chicken.

H enjoying her chicken. If you'd notice, her photos revolve around a very centralised theme. XM photo.

The Women of Chocolaté

Chocolaté sweetness.

Martin proudly sponsored these jerseys for our trip. Tigers baby!!! Mr Pimp Daddy himself, Crepé Rické, with the women of Chocolaté

H. XM photo.

I had the munchies at about 10ish, so I walked across the street (and almost got killed because I checked the road the wrong way) to find this. Lechon Manok, or Slow-grilled Chicken. It was the most delicious chicken I've ever had in my life.

Under the Romantic Lights, Crepé Rické gives a pillow some loving.

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