The few, the proud and the brave. We did not know what to expect. Don't those Jersey's look absolutely amazing? They only cost about $12 sing. We are definitely outsourcing our next jerseys to the Tailor in Butuan.

The Butuan Sluggers take their game very seriously, with batting and fielding warm-up before the game. They don't do all that running-shit that the NUS fellas do though, they just need to warm-up their glove, arm and bat.

View from the 3rd base coach. Rickey is on third, and The Jaguar is on second.

Rickey posing for the camera and not paying attention to the game. Notice the first baseman breaking to his right. H had hit the ball, but runners weren't advancing.

We were supposed to play slowpitch, and in that regard, the locals did 'slow' down their pitches to us. At the end of the day though, we were playing fastpitch and our lack of practice showed. Most of us took about 2 at bats to finally 'see' and hit the ball.

We called this guy 'Anti-Rickey', we also called him "Wiry". He's one year younger than Rickey, but runs three times as fast and hustles like a demon. He replaced Rickey at 2nd base after pitching for us for 2 innings.

One of the sweetest swings in the business.... when he was still around.

The Jaguar's last at bat. He hit a terrific line drive down the 3rd base line, and I was so focused on getting the show, I almost didn't get out of the way of the ball.

The Sluggers warming up. XM photo.

If the shortstop and the 3rd baseman calls it foul, it HAS to be foul. XM photo.

Mr Aquino, our pitcher. Ex-no.2-National pitcher, Ex-no.1.Army pitcher. Phear Him. XM photo.

This photo is the only one that could capture Martin way out in Centerfield. Wide-Wide-Angle Lens. XM photo.

Group photo after the game. As you can see, the Butuan Sluggers do not lack the numbers. They are a fantastic bunch, very skilled with loads of hustle. I'd love to play with them any day of the week.

True Brew Gourmet Coffee, you'll never find it on any guide books, but it is THE place to go if you want good food in Butuan City. The menu select is excellent, and the food quality is top notch.

Martin aka 'Contrary' aka 'Fake Steve', proud owner and an alumni of the SaturdayAfternoonSoftball Family.

My favourite, the Spicy Hungarian Sausage with Pinoy Pasta and Toast. Amazing.....

The House Special, The True Brew Pizza.

Butuan is not a tourist town, they have no tourist industry whatsoever, but Butuan does boast the oldest boatbuilding facility in all of south-east asia, dating back to 300AD. If you are interested to know more, you should approach Rickey or Indiana. There are a lot more photos here

Meatfest 2006. We went to the Barbecue Street for dinner. It looks just like the teaser picture I posted some time back. Not for the vegetarian nor the faint-hearted.

That was ALL the sticks we ordered for ourselves...

Mei capturing the nightlife instead of the food. XM photos.

If they recloned Dr Evil...and filled him with doughnuts.

Doughnuts right to your doorstep.

Second night of Lechon Manok, this time, we found them grilling pork bellies. It was slow-grilled to a crisp. Absolutely delicious.

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