14 May 2006 - Heading Home...or so we thought

Martin picked us up at about 9.15am Butuan Time, which is actually 9am Manila time. We got to Butuan Airport about 10am. After an exhaustive round of security checks, we finally made it into the waiting area. The first thing to greet us was this WANTED poster, and you can't help but draw your eye to Mr Corey Dickpus. He's wanted for Murder btw, with a 1million peso bounty on his head. We figured he must have killed people who made fun of his name...

Little did we know that we were in for a long wait at the airport....

The long, long, long, long wait..... XM photo.

Our view for 5 hours.... XM photo.

That is the infamous DeathStare. In this case, punishment to the poor photographer who tried to separate H from her meal. XM photo. (No humans or chickens were killed or injured during the taking of this photograph, we don't think there was real chicken in that meal)

See that, our boarding time was supposed to be 1010am. Fake Steve got us the early flight so that we would not have to rush for the connecting flight back to Singapore. Irony of Ironies, the later PAL flight came and went before our own 'earlier' flight even arrived... Guess what time our flight arrived?

Yup... We've missed our flight back to Singapore. It's now 2.40pm, and our domestic flight has just arrived. Real-Steve would've probably flew us to Manila in his private jet.

Farewell shot of Butuan Airport. Much as I loved my stay in Butuan, it's time to go home. We'll see you again..

The Secret Book Club. XM photo.

Gray skies are gonna clear up, put on your happy face...

Beautiful islands...

The window blinds did not work, we were stuck with this view for the entire flight. XM photo.

We finally landed at the Manila Domestic Airport at 4pm. Which made us 1hour late for our flight. At least Cebu Pacific made up for it by booking us for the next flight available and put us up in a hotel for the overnight stay. There are no photos of the hotel though, because no one dared to venture out the door, to say that it was located in the seediest part of Manila is an understatement. The place would put the backstreets and whorehouses of Bangkok to shame.

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